It has been speculated if a large number of monkeys banged on an equally large number of keyboards given enough time they could produce something like Hamlet. There are too few monkeys at bessler wheel and there never were enough keyboards made to equip them and perhaps God didn't make enough time for them to ever come close to approaching that limit.
One such monkey has taken the time to post this comment:
Was he ever proved true? Only by test not theory of mechanism verification.
How would a jury of 12 piers judge after a real demonstration of the machine would prove justice for the inventor.
Pier Review?

Review this pier by taking a long walk down it.
I'd like to touch on the point of "theory of mechanism verification". This monkey has taken the time to totally ignore the points from the previous post and change the topic to their messiah, Bessler. The mechanism is a red herring. If any of those monkeys would like to discuss the points of fraud I mentioned in the previous post or impeach the evidence offered I'd be glad to talk about the matter.
My sleeper cells keep me posted. I'm in the process of bringing A Big Hammer down on their monkey heads, figuratively speaking of course and not motivated by malice.
This is a labor of love.
This post took about 10 minutes.
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