Thursday, December 27, 2007

Coercive Tactics

I'd like to speak to the last point of the definition:
  • designed to advance the goals of the group's leaders to the actual or possible detriment of members, their families, or the community.
and specifically to the point of 'possible detriment'. If it were possible to demonstrate PM, that would be one of the most astounding discoveries in physics of all times. One member of the leadership at BesslerWheel has a site that attempts to explain physicists don't know what they're talking about. He also started a thread at BesslerWheel with the same theme. John Collins explains this contrary philosophy at his site here and at BesslerWheel with the thread Why Gravity wheels don't violate the laws of Physics.

I am documenting all the links I cite. I know sometimes facts have a way of disappearing.

Would it be detrimental to a person having discovered the impossibility of PM to not fully appreciate what they had discovered? I think so yet you can make up your own mind. The facts speak for themselves. In these two links I see a concerted effort on John's part to muddy the waters of the 'believers'.

If you read the first page at BesslerWheel and the first response the administrator/owner, Scott Ellis, exemplifies another point of the definition
  • powerful group pressures
... in the edit of the post and the language used:

[edited by scott: deleted space wasting attachments. Mik, please control yourself so I don't have to.]
Right on the hills of that edit comes one from an other of the leadership:

Nothing to criticize with a negative view, with the exception of your first response! I received one comparable on another thread from the same member.
I don't think 'believers' is an inaccurate description of what the leadership expects of the members of that forum. John begins the thread with:

I've written down my thoughts about why I believe Bessler's wheel is possible and doesn't break any rules.
These examples show how members are treated if they fall outside the mold of a true believer. There are many other examples. In the next entry I'll document what I see as collusion among the leadership with an economic interest in this cult.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

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