Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Crank's Song, "all we have is faith..."

SWilliams said...
No proof other than what was seen....we don't know how a bumble bee flies when most physics says it can't...but there they are! Now, I understand that his wheel was not open for study....we only have faith that he was honest.
Your point about the bumble bee is almost true. It isn't “most physics” only some. That is to say the physics of aerodynamics from the 1930's. With high speed cameras digitizing the flight of bumble bees and feeding the data into super computer simulations they've figured out the scale of aerodynamics for a bee is just a tad different than say a Boeing 757. A twelve foot wheel spining at 40-50 rpm is a far cry from the intricacies of the forces in a bumble bee's flight.

There is not a physicist in the world that would not love to be the one to achieve this fundamental discovery so many cranks are looking for. I'm sure both camps have their reasons but you have to admit an educated guess is better than the shot in the dark most cranks attempt to find the answer with.

Concerning Bessler, when you cite the only proof was “what was seen” with the admission “the actual mechanism was never seen”, that leads to the reasonable conclusion there is no material fact supporting Bessler's claim. All we really have from Bessler is a claim. Belief is not proof.

In the very unlikely event someone would produce a working gravity powered wheel there is also no reason to think Bessler would be vindicated. He wasn't the only one in history who “believed” it was possible.

Mr. Williams you cite a “faith” in Bessler's honesty. Faith... might inspire a search but it isn't proof.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cranks and the Supernatural: Conclusion

This is a good question to focus back to the theme I'm trying to convey:
So....was Bessler a fraud in your opinion? If not, why are we not using his albeit "feeble" information?. . . . . . . S. Williams
My opinion is irrelevant. I'd like to contrast scientific and crank inquiry but first more to the point would be this question:
Given the opportunity (and you have it right here), what single fact could you present that would establish Bessler wasn't a fraud or deluded?
The conditional, "if not, . . . ", is equally irrelevant but I'll touch on the matter of "why are we not using . . . ?" Well you are. See how irrelevant any opinion is?

Also could any establish Bessler as being worth studying in an attempt to produce some supernatural mechanism or as some think a secret supernatural energy source solving this quest for perpetual motion? The high priesthood of the Bessler Cult has been pedalling their snake-oil solution of a study of their messiah for over 30 years. Has this snake-oil been of any use? The sale of it has put a little cash into their pockets but I'd argue it hasn't helped one whit.

The fact of the matter is there are a lot of things beyond natural explanation. A scientist should readily admit to the supernatural in that sense. Their quest is to examine the facts of a matter in an effort to arrive at some answer with a predictive nature. Getting an answer is the half of it. Being able to use that answer to further understanding is the other part.

The crank's inquiry into the foreign land of physics begins with an admitted handicap. They don't know and have a huge disdain for the native language, mathematics. Most lacking an ability to read the map of reality urge others to "press on and build!" wasting effort and money making at worse piles of junk and at best artless sculptures.

This crank adventure into the foreign land of reality and physics has already been charted by physicists. They speak the language and can read the maps. Heck they devised the language and drew the maps!

When I read:
. . . we are the experts in this field.
I laugh so hard I almost pee myself. lol.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cranks and the Supernatural III

Maybe that's the answer! If the wheel has a sufficient radius or huge lap we can model perpetual motion. If the governments on earth would fund a massive wheel with a track going from the North Pole through the equator to Antarctica and back around the other side of the globe the lap the weights would travel would be big enough! I believe that might be the answer but don't ask me to explain the math of it. One of the great intellects of our day has explained:
. . . mathematics has failed to resolve this problem to date and serves to confuse the issues sometimes - and the sight of formulae and equations can deter.
I can't speak for anyone else but the sight of formulae scares the socks off me. Particularly if people are giving me money for an answer based in reality. By all means let's not confuse the issues.

I would encourage people everywhere to petition their respective governments to fund this build! In the words of a preeminent sage of the age:
Build it, for if you don't it will hinder any future innovation as you carry the doubt.
Should we carry this hindering doubt? I think not. Put that calculator down and build!

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

Cranks and the Supernatural II

Physicists have observed motions that have been going on for a very long time. Perhaps from the human perspective these motions could be thought of as perpetual because if they ever stop we're in big trouble.

Astrophysicists have measured an expanding universe and attempt to explain its acceleration. The question is "what is the cause of the acceleration?" So far there is no proof supporting the answers. This acceleration is beyond natural explanation. The cause is supernatural, so far. We just don't know. One answer is found in "dark matter". If it could ever be proved we'd next have to explain the cause of "dark matter". The quest to understand reality should last a long time especially at the rate we're moving.

At the quantum level physicists have noticed the slight mass of electrons furiously spinning most likely for as long as mass has existed. I would suppose so.

So here we are stuck between the boundaries of these infinite and the infinitesimal perpetual motions attempting to model that same motion using gravity to power it. It could be said this attempt is an effort to model the infinite and put it in our laps. We're trying to make the infinite our lap dog. Maybe our laps aren't big enough.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

Cranks and the Supernatural

This entry was inspired by the winkly Mr. Tinny Tim's blues strumming question:
So, when are you going to get to the wheel stuff?

Cranks that want to construct a working gravity wheel should follow this advise. You have to believe. That's the first step. Believe that you can find an answer that has escaped the genius of the past.

If the first step fails, belief has to be taken to the next level.

It is possible there isn't an answer and reality isn't ready to bend to your will. This simply requires a stronger belief. If you believe hard enough reality will change and obey you. If there never was an answer in reality you should be able to force it into existence if you only believe with a stronger conviction.

I've been talking about wheel stuff all along. Didn't you notice?

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Means to an End

I'd like to address this comment in part:
WOW! This sounds like the ramblings of a bitter man. Is the end going justify the means?
It is impossible to address the vague generalization of the first sentence other than to say it's a typical tactic of crank leadership to shift a topic to a personal attack. Yes, the plastic Peter method of making a point.

The question though is a valid one. Does the method or means of pointing out substantiated facts have any justification by the result or end? I suppose that to be the case but there's no real way to know the future or end.

I noticed Jim Mitch has posted a thread entitled 50 clues with his comments. It could be coincidental to my challenge of asking for a material fact connecting any solution to perpetual motion (how ever improbable a solution is) to any claim made by Bessler. Coincidental or not there is nothing in the clues that would point to a material fact that Bessler's wheel was anything other than a cleverly concealed fraud. The clues could easily be thought of as Bessler's best guess as to how a wheel might work if he could have actually produced one.

If in the end more are inclined to spend the time understanding their ideas with the descriptive language of mathematics or any sort of tool of analysis rather than what's encouraged at the cult of Bessler I think that end would justify the means.

An interesting fact about the leadership of this cult is they encourage people to press on in ignorance (I hate math and math hates me) and build. Supposing, I imagine, where the genius of the past (da Vinci, Newton, Einstein, etc.) failed to grasp a solution they might find it.

If the ignorant are leading the ignorant I don't think they could find their arse with two hands, a map and a compass. I suppose we'll see. I know there have been recent promises of a solution before Christmas. Christmas has come and gone. Have we been lied to? Again?

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

Right to Privacy

The most amazing thing happened. I just received an email from someone at besslerwheel. I'll take the time to answer it but it brings up an annoying fact I've been meaning to mention from the definition of a cult:
  • information management
Most people know they can be fired from their job if they abuse the email system with personal business. How would management know if the email is personal or not? Quite easily. They read them. There are of course automated readers that flag situations. They're available to anyone but large corporations make use of them.

The point is this: Your emails sent using the email function at besslerwheel are no more private than your political leanings toward or against other members. It isn't a secret ballot. I don't have immediate evidence of that but with one phone call I could produce it.

My experience from sitting at a system console of a mini computer system taught me there wasn't a file on the system I couldn't Set ACcess or SAC and read. I'm sure that same functionality is available to everyone's PM's at the forum.

You might take a chance and trust the integrity of Scott Ellis to respect your privacy but the facts put the matter in a different light. I mentioned on the Are you optimistic ? thread how some less than honorable forum administrators have tried to download DOS applications on my computer. That forum was besslerwheel.

I don't mention these annoying facts of the aggressive manner (speaking in psychological terms) some disregard the rights of others out of bitterness. I assert them with proof for the greater good of education.

There is a particular sock puppet on the forum that brags about being "the uneducated". I would never attempt to persaude him from his Ralph mentality.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007