Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cranks and the Supernatural III

Maybe that's the answer! If the wheel has a sufficient radius or huge lap we can model perpetual motion. If the governments on earth would fund a massive wheel with a track going from the North Pole through the equator to Antarctica and back around the other side of the globe the lap the weights would travel would be big enough! I believe that might be the answer but don't ask me to explain the math of it. One of the great intellects of our day has explained:
. . . mathematics has failed to resolve this problem to date and serves to confuse the issues sometimes - and the sight of formulae and equations can deter.
I can't speak for anyone else but the sight of formulae scares the socks off me. Particularly if people are giving me money for an answer based in reality. By all means let's not confuse the issues.

I would encourage people everywhere to petition their respective governments to fund this build! In the words of a preeminent sage of the age:
Build it, for if you don't it will hinder any future innovation as you carry the doubt.
Should we carry this hindering doubt? I think not. Put that calculator down and build!

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

1 comment:

SWilliams said...

So....was Bessler a fraud in your opinion? If not, why are we not using his albeit "feeble" information?