Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cranks and the Supernatural: Conclusion

This is a good question to focus back to the theme I'm trying to convey:
So....was Bessler a fraud in your opinion? If not, why are we not using his albeit "feeble" information?. . . . . . . S. Williams
My opinion is irrelevant. I'd like to contrast scientific and crank inquiry but first more to the point would be this question:
Given the opportunity (and you have it right here), what single fact could you present that would establish Bessler wasn't a fraud or deluded?
The conditional, "if not, . . . ", is equally irrelevant but I'll touch on the matter of "why are we not using . . . ?" Well you are. See how irrelevant any opinion is?

Also could any establish Bessler as being worth studying in an attempt to produce some supernatural mechanism or as some think a secret supernatural energy source solving this quest for perpetual motion? The high priesthood of the Bessler Cult has been pedalling their snake-oil solution of a study of their messiah for over 30 years. Has this snake-oil been of any use? The sale of it has put a little cash into their pockets but I'd argue it hasn't helped one whit.

The fact of the matter is there are a lot of things beyond natural explanation. A scientist should readily admit to the supernatural in that sense. Their quest is to examine the facts of a matter in an effort to arrive at some answer with a predictive nature. Getting an answer is the half of it. Being able to use that answer to further understanding is the other part.

The crank's inquiry into the foreign land of physics begins with an admitted handicap. They don't know and have a huge disdain for the native language, mathematics. Most lacking an ability to read the map of reality urge others to "press on and build!" wasting effort and money making at worse piles of junk and at best artless sculptures.

This crank adventure into the foreign land of reality and physics has already been charted by physicists. They speak the language and can read the maps. Heck they devised the language and drew the maps!

When I read:
. . . we are the experts in this field.
I laugh so hard I almost pee myself. lol.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007


Anonymous said...

Have you tried Depends undergarments?

Bessler007 said...

SWilliams said...

No proof other than what was seen....we don't know how a bumble bee flies when most physics says it can't...but there they are! Now, I understand that his wheel was not open for study....we only have faith that he was honest.

Anonymous said...

Supose that supernatural entities exist. If they cannot interact with me then they are of little interest to me. By interact I mean interact with me from outside my body. I exclude such things as conversion to religion. Also, by interact I mean that other people can also measure the interaction. I mean people from anywhere in the world. These are people that I haven't met.

Here is any example. Before 1895 x-rays existed. They were supernatural. The x-rays did interact with people, but what was happening was unknown. Then in 1895 an interaction occurred that could be observed by anyone. What was previously supernatural became natural.

Suppose that a supernatural y-ray exists. If it is interacting with me I cannot explain what is happening. In the future the y-rays may be converted from supernatural to natural. Then again, they may not.

I can examine the unexplained interaction that I am experiencing. Maybe I will find something that I can show to other people. Also, maybe I will not.

Hopefully we will find a lot of supernatural entities that we can convert to natural entities.