Friday, March 27, 2009

The Bamboozler's Shpēl

Partners in Crime

A couple of days after his contract with the Mailman (he promised a jug of everclear) JC was down at the creek tending his still. His neighbor, ScooterScatster, walked up across the shoal to the still.

ScooterScatster: Hey, JC, how's it going.
JC: I got great news, Scooter, I can hardly stand it.
Scooter: Well, don't bust with it. Tell me what it is.
JC: You know that piece of paper I found?
Scooter: Yeah.
JC: Well, I gave it to the Mailman and he's going to translate it into pictures we can understand!
Scooter: That's great. Do you really think there's anything to it?
JC: I'm sure there is. This is going to be big.
Scooter: Give me a cup of that everclear to help me see a bit better. I might have some ideas.

JC poured his good neighbor a cup of liquid lightening and they sat and mused over what it all meant. Both concluded they didn't know and would have to wait on the Mailman.

They worked themselves up to such a state, the anticipation was excruciating. Hardly took 1/2 a jug to get there.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

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