Monday, March 30, 2009

The Bamboozler's Shpēl

Reality 101

Dr. Bessler: OK class, settle down. Take your seats.

6-toed-Billy-Bob: What are we going to look at today, Professor.
Dr. Besseler: Well be looking at energy, 6-toed. Let me take the role. ScooterScatster?
SS: present
Dr. Besseler: Flickin-Fletch?

FF: present

Dr. Besseler: J-Hurbert-C?

JC: present

Dr. Besseler: M*el
M*el: present
Dr. Besseler: M*el, stop mumbling.
M*el: you will hear what I want you to hear and you will do what I say.
Dr. Besseler: Knock it off, M*el. Az-Whole?
Az-Whole: I'd like to say present but I'll wait until I hear what everyone else has to say about the matter.
Dr. Besseler: GuitarZan?
GuitarZan: Blues on
Dr. Besseler: AB-BallPeen
AB-BallPeen: mooooo!
Dr. Besseler: Six-Four-240?
Six-Four-240: It's a long walk from the trailer park but I'm here.
Dr. Besseler: MommyDearest?
MommyDearest: Give me the stick, Prof, and I'll straighten this crowd out.

Dr. Besseler: OK class, we're going to talk about energy today. Who can tell me what energy is?

6-toed: I don't rightly know what it is but I'm pretty sure you can't manufacture the stuff from nothing.
SS: Stop that talk, 6-toed. My uncle told me if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a day but if you teach him how to fish you ruin a good business model. Are you trying to ruin a good business model?
6-toed: :D
Flickin-Fletch: I think you can make energy. If you use a foil or wing you can push off the air and make energy out of the thin air! How do you suppose planes fly?
Six-Four-240: I know you can make energy. Why back in the last century I did it several times. Due to a mental disability I forget how I did it but I do know I did it. Once you've made energy you'll never forget it. Flew my 240 into the air with the greatest of ease.
GuitarZan: What everyone said, but more of it.
AB-BallPeen: People (who will remain nameless) have tried to get balls moving just right to manufacture energy but they didn't really understand how to do it. I've figured out where they went wrong. If my idea is built with good precision it will roll and roll and roll.

Dr. Besseler: Class! Class! Class! SHUT UP!!!

Total silence.

Dr. Besseler: Thank you. The worse job I've ever had is this one at DBISD. Now I've put a drawing on the board and I want everyone to study it. It is a picture of energy. I want everyone to study this picture.

Dr. Besseler: The assignment is to draw this picture and think about it until the next class. Then I will have a good tool for everyone. It's something that will automatically draw pictures for you. Class dismissed.

Everyone tore out the place. SS and JC went to Dualing Banjo General Store for a lemon-lime slurpy. They intended to take them back to the farm and mix in some everclear. It made for an excellent treat on a hot Dueling Banjosday.

SS: Do you have any idea what Dr. Bessler was talking about that would draw pictures for us?

JC: I don't know but I think it's going to be very useful. I'm still waiting on the Postman to bring me the page of pictures. Maybe there's some relationship. We'll just have to wait and see.

SS: I really like pictures.

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

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