Saturday, February 2, 2008

by the by, Did you Buy the Book?

I was at the camp of the Cult of Bessler earlier and noticed The High Priest, Scott Ellis, offer this wisdom on his front page.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."
- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky

Thinking people might imagine it is a worse crime reading some books and the burning of them is a far, far better thing to do.

The sentiment of “read the book” was echoed by another chief baah-boon (and book seller) of the Bessler Clan, Bishop ovyyus, as he recently undressed a congregate with,
“Evgwheel, if you don't mind me asking, which of John's books do you own?”

You can find that thread here:
Forum Index >General Discussion >Was Bessler a Fake?

Once a non-book buying proselyte is spotted, ovyyus launches into a tirade ending with perhaps one of the only honest things he's ever spoken:
I have little reason to waffle on :D

Yes, little reason indeed.

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