Monday, March 23, 2009

Plethora of Idiots

You can't hardly throw a shtick on the internet without hitting an idiot. The gravitational attraction between the two needs to be harnessed. That would solve the energy crisis.

First I'd like to offer my sincere apology to Alexioco (if that is their real name) at the overunity forum for throughly insulting him/her. I didn't throughly insult them but I'll let the facts finish the job in just a minute.

But to the idea of offering my sincere apology, although I'd like to, I can't. You see I'm not the disingenous nag or bitch they are. It is an interesting ploy they used as this rhema clothed darling replicated the first miracle of Jesus. Instead of using water they used postings and instead of a transformation to wine it was whine.

This nag complained post after post questioning me with "i just cannot understand why you keep on and on..." as they went on and on, post after post, creating more of the very problem they were claiming to object to. I've never seen such a blatant example of insincere bitching in "all my born days" or even my "unborn days" when I was snuggled up inside my mommy. Speaking of "my mommy". . .

I was going on and on defending myself against confessed grave robber and necrophiliac erickdt (if that is their real name) who explained with this:

No wonder why she was such a terrible lay.
Here I was thinking that her awe-ful smell
was from poor feminine hygiene...
that they were so stupid they couldn't tell the difference between the living or the dead. I really think they know and would rather those that just lay there.

I was going on and on defending myself against published liars such as Alan Bauloree who published this lie:
So you will need to build it with good precision,
and then watch it go around, and around.
on Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:11 am @ besslerwheel. How can it be known it's a lie? To begin with it wasn't true. In Alan's own words he explained the bald faced lie away with:

I also explained what happened to me
about the cardboard one that ran for
10 minutes and on of the balls tore out the side.
Holy Mother of God, I bet that hurt. His balls tore out the side of the only working model of a gravity powered wheel ever built! I guess we'll have to wait another 300 years before anyone figures out how he did it. We need a clue, Alan. Is the secret in the balls? There's a good boy I know that's asking for a clue this Christmas.

He's not really that good of a boy. He snoops like a dog on the porch of the owner of a bitch in heat at overunity for ideas. He's in desperate search of a clue. He's on record as saying:

Starting the thread was my idea, it is dedicated to Broli and has always been his thread. It is intended for the liberals and those that think all ideas should be 'free sourced'...

I personally do not fit in this category, I work with constructive trusted groups who are seeking compensation for there efforts.

If he ever gets a clue you'll need a prybar or a dollar to get it out of his monkey fist. He isn't sharing with the "liberals" at overunity. I doubt he'll ever get a clue though. He's been in hot pursuit of perpetual motion for 50 years or so and hasn't caught it yet. Odds are history of those years will presist to the day this man/machine gives up the ghost. Quite a reputation with a lifetime fighting reality. Cognitive dissonance comes to mind.

In the unlikely event he ever gets a clue he won't need anyone's help with the mechanics of it or the engineering. He might need a few bucks if you could help this poor soul out. Although he forgot ever saying this:
How do you feel you can help me achieve what I want or need. I need finances for better material to build with and some tooling replacement. ...Ralph Lortie
he did and I have a record of it.

I guess if one is constantly blowing so hard, they often forget what they've blown.

It was explained to me by someone that I've graciously penciled on to a list I keep, the reason I only have read only privileges at overunity was because I was advertising other people's thoughts in my signature. I was just the billboard. Don't shoot the billboard.

I'm not like a certain besslerian that sits in the high council at besslerwheel who is a coward woman and soft-hearted wretch. I don't run from proper authority. I might get ran off at the hands of the brown shirt, jackbooted jury of a monkey trial cranks reside over but I'll most likely always defend my right to express the facts in the fashion I choose.

You can't make stuff like this up. You'd be sued if you did. I do have a crawler that has my back.

Well, bitches, I'll be back. Truth is I'm still there.

Cmdr, MIB

Copyright © 2007-2009 bessler007

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